Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Are conversations over the phone and Internet making life to impersonal?

The fact that more conversation go on at home with people that we can’t see, seems to be very impersonal. The reality that more break-ups are done over the phone and on the internet then in person gets me worried that people don’t feel the need for personal contact. People have found a way to still talk to some one and without showing as many emotions; emotion are a very significant part of conversation. These are points I would like to bring up while addressing this subject.
I have examined different poles and other types of research on this subject. It’s clear that this generation has more conversations through a variety of non-visual and impersonal means then face to face communication. Which leaves us to wonder what effects this new means of communication will have on our interpersonal relationships?

Couples can communicate via text messaging, cell phone, and instant messaging, while staying busy doing other things. They tend to spend less and less time communicating face to face. These tendencies to driven by constant activity that makes them feel uneasy when they are just talking face to face. This can leave them with a non-personal relationship?
The fewer senses we use in communicating, the greater the chance of misunderstanding each other and then becoming more defensive. At birth the first sense we use is our hearing; and it is the last sense to leave us when we die. When this sense is taken out of communication, intimacy is usually less. Intimacy is basic to all deep and lasting relationships.
Concluding this subject, my personal opinion is that there is not enough face to face communication in this generation. The ability to use all of our sense is lost by not hearing and seeing the person that we’re communicating with. The relationships of this generation are often shallow and brief. This leads to addictive behavior in order to cover up the pain and loneliness inside. This lack of complete communication can lead to isolation and further abandonment of intimacy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, this is hecka true. People use the internet to avoid eye to eye contact when they're nervous, or to break up so they don't have to see the other person cry, and they're cowards for doing it. But sometimes people do things like that because they want to say something to someone and fear they may be too late if they wait until they see them face to face, just an observation. But on the whole, I agree with you.

11:55 PM  

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